
ESA TV coverage of ATV "Jules Verne" ingress

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ESA TV coverage of ATV "Jules Verne" ingress.


Background information on the transmission:

Following its launch on March 9th and a perfect docking to ISS on April 3rd, the European-built "Jules Verne" ATV (automated transfer vehicle) is now 'open for business'.

Expedition 16 astronauts made the first ingress to the vehicle at 08:00 on Saturday April 5th. Supplies, fuel and water carried by the vehicle are now being transferred to ISS.

Video of the ingress will be included in today's ISS commentary hour commencing at 15:00 GMT. ESA TV will relay commentary hour on the satellite coordinates below.

Ingress highlights will be avalailable for MPEG2 download via ftp:

Server name: esa.contentcoders.com

Login: esa

Password/userid: ftp4esa

Please be informed that this file will be too big to access via a web browser and that you need to use a ftp download manager.

The line-up time for the SCPC feed will be 5 minutes

More background information can be found on http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/.

Transmission details:

Eutelsat Atlantic Bird 1 (AB1) at 12.5degW, Transponder F5, Channel B, F = 12633.75MHz, Pol = horizontal,SR = 6.1113 Ms/s, FEC = 3/4, signal MPEG2 4:2:0 in the clear

For further information please contact the ESA TV producer Chris Courtenay Taylor: tel + 44 7774 275 951 or mail chrisct@worldwidegroup.ltd.uk

For the latest transmission schedule, go to http://television.esa.int. For all enquires on transmissions, send contact ingrid.van.de.vyver@esa.int or call her mobile phone +32 495 209541. For ordering video tapes and questions on footage via ftp-transfer, contact television@esa.int.
