
DS Review: MX vs. ATV Untamed

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MX vs. ATV Untamed

Platform: Nintendo DS
Developer: Tantalus
Publisher: THQ
Players: 1-4 Players Local

The Nintendo DS to date really has not had any superb racing games on the handheld. There have been some very respectable efforts from some of the big name franchises such as the Need for Speed series, Ridge Racer, and others, but no one has really nailed a solid racing game on the handheld with the exception of Mario Kart DS. Developer Tantalus is looking to change all of that though as they have brought MX vs. ATV Untamed to the dual-screen handheld.

THQ definitely had the right development team working on the game as Tantalus is no stranger to racing games on handheld platforms. They have worked on handheld versions of games such as MX vs. ATV on the PSP,a s well as Top Gear and others.

The way the Nintendo DS version works is that you race with three other racers around a course, meaning that each race has four racers total. You get to race on ten tracks with two main events, as well as two vehicles. The big problem with the DS version is that beyond that there is nothing else to keep you interested in the game. The fantastic career mode which is featured in other versions on other consoles is absent, as is any customization, upgrades, etc. All you do is race in the 10 tracks they give you, and that is it.

The game’s basic game modes consist of three cups which you will be trying to earn as you go through these ten tracks. There are also eight racers featured, four for MX and four for ATV. There is also a Stunt Challenge mode and an X-Cross Tournament mode.

The visuals of MX vs. ATV Untamed on the DS there really is not a lot to complain about as Tantalus has done a fine job of putting in place a great visual experience on the handheld. You will see some great models and animations throughout your play, especially with the tricks and crashes. The biggest problem with the visuals though is that there is really not a lot going on beyond just you and the other racers to keep you interested. There is little crowd-interaction, little side visual effects, etc. The texture work could have been a bit more crisp. The plus side to this though is that the game does run fairly fast and very smooth throughout, which makes up a bit for the lack of extra added details.

The audio is really extremely basic in MX vs. ATV Untamed on the DS. You will hear all of your basic engine noises here which actually do not sound half bad. This is nothing that will blow you away but you will appreciate the clarity and accuracy of the engine sounds. The soundtrack is made up of some rock songs here and there as well as some mediocre crowd noises as they chime in from time to time, nothing special.

The controls for the game really are spot-on, making this easily the highlight of the release on the DS. It is not easy for a developer to nail racing controls on the handheld, but they have clearly managed to do this and do it extremely well. The game plays great to say the least from start to finish as you will find yourself learning the tracks, pre-loading tricks before jumps, and tearing up the ten tracks with ease once you learn the ropes. The game has a very technical feel to it, something which we do not always see in a release on the DS for a racing game. This is a breath of fresh air though as they have done this extremely well in the game.

One nice thing about the release is that Tantalus did not forget about the multiplayer aspect of racing on the DS> There are no online modes or any type of Wi-Fi connectivity. What you will find though is that you can play with up to four friends locally. You are allowed to host any of the three cups in X-Cross of Stunt Challenge, with either type of vehicle, etc. You will need to have four copies of the game to pull this off but if you and three friends do have it, it is very rewarding and entertaining.

Online play is definitely something we are already hopeful for in the next iteration of MX vs. ATV on the DS as it could have added a lot of longevity to the release.

Overall MX vs. ATV has always been known for solid racing experiences no matter which console the franchise is released on. In that regard, the title has lived up to expectations as this truly is a solid racing experience with great controls and playability. The biggest problem that hampers this release is the fact that there are not enough game modes here to keep gamers coming back to play it over and over again. There is little to complete on the singe-player end, and with no online play there is even less. The controls make this one of the most enjoyable racers on the DS, it just may not have the legs to keep you busy for long.

Graphics: 7.0 The game runs smooth, models and animations are fluid, but beyond that not a whole lot is going on for visuals.

Audio: 7.0 The soundtrack is decent as are the crowd noises. Engine sounds are what you would expect, your average sound bytes.

Gameplay: 8.0 Tantalus has kept up the tradition of great controls on the DS. This is a great racer to control on the handheld!

Lasting Appeal: 5.0 The biggest problem with the game is that there is not a lot you can do outside of the very basic single player modes. Online would be appreciated for the next version, as would a career mode of sorts.
