
DS Review: MX vs. ATV Untamed

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MX vs. ATV Untamed

Platform: Nintendo DS
Developer: Tantalus
Publisher: THQ
Players: 1-4 Players Local

The Nintendo DS to date really has not had any superb racing games on the handheld. There have been some very respectable efforts from some of the big name franchises such as the Need for Speed series, Ridge Racer, and others, but no one has really nailed a solid racing game on the handheld with the exception of Mario Kart DS. Developer Tantalus is looking to change all of that though as they have brought MX vs. ATV Untamed to the dual-screen handheld.

THQ definitely had the right development team working on the game as Tantalus is no stranger to racing games on handheld platforms. They have worked on handheld versions of games such as MX vs. ATV on the PSP,a s well as Top Gear and others.

The way the Nintendo DS version works is that you race with three other racers around a course, meaning that each race has four racers total. You get to race on ten tracks with two main events, as well as two vehicles. The big problem with the DS version is that beyond that there is nothing else to keep you interested in the game. The fantastic career mode which is featured in other versions on other consoles is absent, as is any customization, upgrades, etc. All you do is race in the 10 tracks they give you, and that is it.

The game’s basic game modes consist of three cups which you will be trying to earn as you go through these ten tracks. There are also eight racers featured, four for MX and four for ATV. There is also a Stunt Challenge mode and an X-Cross Tournament mode.

The visuals of MX vs. ATV Untamed on the DS there really is not a lot to complain about as Tantalus has done a fine job of putting in place a great visual experience on the handheld. You will see some great models and animations throughout your play, especially with the tricks and crashes. The biggest problem with the visuals though is that there is really not a lot going on beyond just you and the other racers to keep you interested. There is little crowd-interaction, little side visual effects, etc. The texture work could have been a bit more crisp. The plus side to this though is that the game does run fairly fast and very smooth throughout, which makes up a bit for the lack of extra added details.

The audio is really extremely basic in MX vs. ATV Untamed on the DS. You will hear all of your basic engine noises here which actually do not sound half bad. This is nothing that will blow you away but you will appreciate the clarity and accuracy of the engine sounds. The soundtrack is made up of some rock songs here and there as well as some mediocre crowd noises as they chime in from time to time, nothing special.

The controls for the game really are spot-on, making this easily the highlight of the release on the DS. It is not easy for a developer to nail racing controls on the handheld, but they have clearly managed to do this and do it extremely well. The game plays great to say the least from start to finish as you will find yourself learning the tracks, pre-loading tricks before jumps, and tearing up the ten tracks with ease once you learn the ropes. The game has a very technical feel to it, something which we do not always see in a release on the DS for a racing game. This is a breath of fresh air though as they have done this extremely well in the game.

One nice thing about the release is that Tantalus did not forget about the multiplayer aspect of racing on the DS> There are no online modes or any type of Wi-Fi connectivity. What you will find though is that you can play with up to four friends locally. You are allowed to host any of the three cups in X-Cross of Stunt Challenge, with either type of vehicle, etc. You will need to have four copies of the game to pull this off but if you and three friends do have it, it is very rewarding and entertaining.

Online play is definitely something we are already hopeful for in the next iteration of MX vs. ATV on the DS as it could have added a lot of longevity to the release.

Overall MX vs. ATV has always been known for solid racing experiences no matter which console the franchise is released on. In that regard, the title has lived up to expectations as this truly is a solid racing experience with great controls and playability. The biggest problem that hampers this release is the fact that there are not enough game modes here to keep gamers coming back to play it over and over again. There is little to complete on the singe-player end, and with no online play there is even less. The controls make this one of the most enjoyable racers on the DS, it just may not have the legs to keep you busy for long.

Graphics: 7.0 The game runs smooth, models and animations are fluid, but beyond that not a whole lot is going on for visuals.

Audio: 7.0 The soundtrack is decent as are the crowd noises. Engine sounds are what you would expect, your average sound bytes.

Gameplay: 8.0 Tantalus has kept up the tradition of great controls on the DS. This is a great racer to control on the handheld!

Lasting Appeal: 5.0 The biggest problem with the game is that there is not a lot you can do outside of the very basic single player modes. Online would be appreciated for the next version, as would a career mode of sorts.


ESA TV coverage of ATV "Jules Verne" ingress

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ESA TV coverage of ATV "Jules Verne" ingress.


Background information on the transmission:

Following its launch on March 9th and a perfect docking to ISS on April 3rd, the European-built "Jules Verne" ATV (automated transfer vehicle) is now 'open for business'.

Expedition 16 astronauts made the first ingress to the vehicle at 08:00 on Saturday April 5th. Supplies, fuel and water carried by the vehicle are now being transferred to ISS.

Video of the ingress will be included in today's ISS commentary hour commencing at 15:00 GMT. ESA TV will relay commentary hour on the satellite coordinates below.

Ingress highlights will be avalailable for MPEG2 download via ftp:

Server name: esa.contentcoders.com

Login: esa

Password/userid: ftp4esa

Please be informed that this file will be too big to access via a web browser and that you need to use a ftp download manager.

The line-up time for the SCPC feed will be 5 minutes

More background information can be found on http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/.

Transmission details:

Eutelsat Atlantic Bird 1 (AB1) at 12.5degW, Transponder F5, Channel B, F = 12633.75MHz, Pol = horizontal,SR = 6.1113 Ms/s, FEC = 3/4, signal MPEG2 4:2:0 in the clear

For further information please contact the ESA TV producer Chris Courtenay Taylor: tel + 44 7774 275 951 or mail chrisct@worldwidegroup.ltd.uk

For the latest transmission schedule, go to http://television.esa.int. For all enquires on transmissions, send contact ingrid.van.de.vyver@esa.int or call her mobile phone +32 495 209541. For ordering video tapes and questions on footage via ftp-transfer, contact television@esa.int.

West coast teen in hospital after ATV accident

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An 18-year-old man from Newfoundland's west coast is in hospital with serious head injuries after an ATV accident Tuesday.

Bay St. George RCMP said they don't know if the teenager, from Mattis Point, N.L., in the Bay St. George area, was riding the machine or if he was hit by it.

Police said the ATV was connected to two recent thefts.

Two men from Mattis Point, one 25 and the other 21, allegedly broke into a shed and stole two ATVs.

The two men are facing 13 charges, including theft and carrying a concealed weapon.

Jules Verne ATV given ‘go’ for docking

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Jules Verne ATV as seen from the ISS during a rendezvous test on 29 March 2008

(ESA) - Jules Verne was today formally cleared to proceed with the first ISS docking attempt, scheduled for 3 April 2008 at 16:41 CEST (14:41 UT). The official go-ahead came from the International Space Station Mission Management Team (IMMT) after two flawless demonstration days in which Jules Verne proved its operational capabilities.

“We have proven that Jules Verne’s systems are safe, reliable and ready to dock to the Station. Everyone has worked very hard to get to this point, and we have also proven that the team on the ground is fully ready for tomorrow’s first attempt,” said John Ellwood, ESA’s ATV Project Manager.

The formal permission came during today’s IMMT meeting held at 13:00 CEST (11:00 UT), in which ESA together with its ISS partners reviewed the Automated Transfer Vehicle’s (ATV) performance from Demonstration Day 2.

Demo Day 2, held on 31 March, saw Jules Verne conduct a series of challenging manoeuvres and confirm that the spacecraft could autonomously navigate itself using optical guidance and close to station keeping point S41, just 11 m from the ISS. Jules Verne also reacted perfectly to an ‘Escape’ command issued by astronauts on board the ISS, proving that the vessel can automatically withdraw to a safe location when so commanded.

Tomorrow’s docking attempt will see Jules Verne move past station keeping point S41 to actually dock with the Russian ISS module’s docking port. Contact of the vessel’s docking probe is expected at 16:41 CEST (14:41 UT), with full capture scheduled at 17:15 CEST (15:15 UT). If the docking does not occur for any reason, the next possible window occurs 48 hours later on Saturday, 5 April.

The rendezvous and docking will be monitored from ESA’s ATV Control Centre in Toulouse, France, in cooperation with the Russian control centre in Moscow and the NASA control centre in Houston.

The rendezvous and docking will be broadcast live by ESA TV, 16:00-17:15 CEST (14:00-15:15 UT); details are available on the ESA TV web page under

The event will also be streamed live via the ESA website starting at 16:00 CEST (14:00 UT); the link will be made available shortly before on

Pemberton Twp. warns ATV users

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by Central Jersey News UpdatesWednesday April 02, 2008, 2:45 PM
PEMBERTON TOWNSHIP -- Police will begin patrolling areas of the township where riders of all terrain vehicles have been operating the vehicles illegally, including the sand pits in Presidential Lakes, areas near Fort Dix and on Tecumseh Trail in Country Lakes.

According to Police Chief Robert Lewandowski, ATV riders cannot operate their vehicles on public lands or roads, and need the permission of landowners to travel over private property. Police say violators will be charged with trespassing and their vehicles impounded, the Burlington County Times reports.

MX vs ATV Untamed Review

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March 24, 2008 - MX vs ATV Untamed is a multi-vehicle racing experience developed by Rainbow Studios published by THQ for the PSP, PS2, PS3, X360, DS, and Wii. I haven’t played any of the previous MX vs ATV games nor Untamed on any of the next generation systems; my experience with this series is strictly the PS2 and PSP versions. Both versions offer up many different modes and events but at the end of the day the PSP version is superior to the more technologically capable PS2 platform. This is the first game I’ve seen where the PSP version is of a higher standard than the PS2.

There is very little grey area when it comes to racing games; they are either fun or repetitive and boring. The best games (Road Rash, Burnout, etc…) give you a sense of speed as you move through the gaming environments, excite you with near misses or radical moves, and leave you wanting more. A boring racing game (Untamed for example) leaves you feeling uninterested with the repetitive racing tracks, unexcited at pulling of any mid-air trick, and bewildered at the ridiculous physics engine of the game.

The basics of Untamed are fairly standard: you take part in various events that concentrate on racing or stunts to unlock newer and assorted vehicles, environments, or equipment to purchase at the store. Untamed can be played in single and multiplayer modes. The single player experience is called the X-Cross Tour where you take on Events including Race, Waypoint Race, Time Attack, Stunt Challenge, Flag Challenge, Stunt Attack, Machine Challenge, and Machine Race. As you win races and complete challenges more and more vehicles and environments become available to you. The multiplayer experience is a nice addition that allows you to compete in various events with your friends but only over Ad Hoc mode.

In terms of gameplay, all the events tend to get really old really fast. In differing from the PS2 version, the single player experience throws you directly into an open area environment where you find columns of light that initiate each event. If you choose, you can also go through the Pause Menu to choose the event you’d like. You’re basically driving around in whichever vehicle following a magic floating arrow at the top of the screen or attempting to perform aerial tricks. The racing events are hard to navigate since the arrows will point you to your direct destination instead of the path that leads you there.

When attempting to pull of jumps and land the odd trick you need to forget everything you thought you knew about gravity and physics to be successful. Bending over and accepting the simulated physical world that Rainbow Studios and Incinerator Studios have created is about as pleasant as it sounds.

One of the more positive aspects of the game is the great short loading times. I was really surprised to find how transparent it was to switch vehicles, events, and environments.

The controls are pretty standard with the X-button controlling gas, Square-button as brake, and the Circle and Triangle buttons as your trick buttons. Tricks are done by ripping off various streams of Circle and Triangle button maneuvers. The controls take a while to get used to when attempting to pull of air tricks. Be prepared to take some time to get a feel for how much air time you have when doing tricks. It took more than a couple of face-plants until I successfully got back into position and landed successfully.

Despite the PSP’s glorious widescreen capability, Untamed feels squished and skinny. The motorcycle riders look like the illegitimate love children of Kate Moss and Halo’s Master Chief, which is bad enough but made worse during crash sequences. During the crash sequences the abominable physics engine shows its worst as it makes what should be the random carnage of bodies and earth colliding an interpretative dance of the spaghetti arm people. Throwing bodies and adding a little blood would’ve saved the game from turning into the overpriced horizontal pirouette simulator that it is. The environments don’t look terribly bad but fail to really give a sense of depth. I felt as though I was riding through an environment made of cardboard cut-outs.

The sound in Untamed is one of the few bright spots. The punk music helps add the sense of adrenaline that you’d normally expect from the graphics. The sound effects sound true to life although (and I don’t fault the game for this because it sounds the same in real life too) the motor vehicles tend to sound like high fidelity fart machines.

Untamed isn’t a game worthy of adding to your collection unless you are a die-hard MX or ATV fan. It’s possible to pass the time with a game like this but the repetitive nature of the game will leave PSP fans wanting more.

ATV: An automatic success

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SOURCE:Flight International
ATV: An automatic success
By Rob Coppinger
As the European Space Agency's Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV), named Jules Verne, embarks on the last few kilometres of its journey to dock at the International Space Station's Russian Zvezda module, a successful completion to the mission on 3 April will see ESA become the second agency to have a cargo-dedicated spaceship and the only space-faring organisation to have an entirely automatic resupply spacecraft.

The ATV journey began in 1995 when ESA member states agreed to join the ISS programme. Jules Verne, the first of a planned five of these expendable cargo spaceships, is scheduled to dock automatically on 3 April. The 10.3m (33.7ft) long, 4.5m diameter cylindrical spacecraft, with its 22.3m span X-shaped solar arrays, is designed to have a total mass of 20,500kg (45,100lb) and deliver 7,600kg of cargo. However on the first flight the vehicle's mass is 19,400kg, which includes just 6,400kg of cargo.

In comparison, NASA's Space Shuttle, which delivers 10,000kg of supplies using the Italian-built multi-purpose logistics modules, is manually piloted for its ISS docking. Russia's Progress cargo vehicle, which can deliver 2,500kg, is also under manual control during the final stages of its rendezvous.

Since its 9 March launch from Europe's French Guiana spaceport, using an EADS Astrium-built Ariane 5 Evolution Storable booster, the ATV has been undergoing a series of system tests. On 14 March it carried out its automated collision avoidance manoeuvre. This manoeuvre test was to show that the ATV could distance itself from the ISS if any problems arose during the final docking phase.

From a parking orbit 2,000km (1,240 miles) ahead of the ISS, on 27 March ATV was to move to a closer position to perform two days of rendezvous demonstrations, set for 29 and 31 March. While the ATV is automatic, these demonstrations involve ESA's ATV control centre (ATV-CC) in Toulouse, the Russian and US ISS partners and the ISS crew.

The ISS crew tasks include preparation of the Russian module for docking and issuing specific ATV commands. These are abort, hold, retreat or escape, when requested on 29 and 31 March and on docking day.

The two rendezvous demonstrations were to use waypoints near the ISS. On 29 March at 15:34 GMT the ATV's guidance and navigation system (GNC) was to be tested. Initiated from ATV-CC the vehicle was to move toward the ISS using relative GPS data to safely manoeuvre to waypoint S2, located 3.5km behind the ISS.

The results are assessed by the ESA Jules Verne ATV demonstration objectives report team and submitted to the ISS Mission Management Team. If the assessment led to a 30 March authorisation, the second demonstration would take place on 31 March at 13:40 to test the close-range sensors, the GNC and to practice the contingency procedures, commanded by ATV-CC and the ISS crew.

During this second test ATV was to be commanded to stop just over 10m from the Zvezda docking port, then go back to waypoint S4, which is 19m from the module, and finally to carry out an "escape manoeuvre" that will take Jules Verne away from and around the station.

If all goes to plan the docking is scheduled for 15:20 on 3 April. ESA's ATV-CC mission director, Alberto Novelli, said: "We are looking forward to an excellent first docking attempt on 3 April. It will be complex but after our successful launch and early orbit phase and the transfer to the parking orbit, the team...has gained a lot of confidence."

The docking procedure will begin at 12:44 with ATV starting from waypoint S3, 250m from the ISS. Its computers will carry out the automated final approach and docking. The vehicle will slow down to 70mm (3in)/s as it closes to within a few metres of the Russian module. ATV-CC mission controllers will direct the ATV in a step-by-step predefined approach, and will seek authorisation from the Russian mission control centre in Moscow before final contact is made.

Neither the USA nor Russia have this capability. Even NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services programme, if successful in its goal of providing a resupply service by 2011, will not deliver a completely automatic docking system.

Man injured in ATV crash

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WINCHESTER BAY: A Canadian man was injured Saturday in an all-terrain vehicle crash on the sand dunes near Winchester Bay.

Joachim Ruether, 49, of Vancouver, British Columbia, was riding a Polaris 250 when he came over the top of a dune and crashed around 12:30 p.m., according to a Douglas County Sheriff’s Office report. Ruether was thrown off the ATV and complained of back pain.

He was taken to Lower Umpqua Hospital in Reedsport and was later transferred to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene, an LUH spokeswoman said. Information on his condition was not available.

A Pair of Bears for 2008

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Yamaha has split production of its Grizzly 700 ATV to accommodate customers who want power steering, or not.

The 2008 Grizzly 700 FI is available with and without Electric Power Steering with a price difference of about $600 for the EPS delete version.

Yamaha's power steering system debuted on the 2007 Grizzly 700 and features a torque-sensing steering column that signals twisting force to a computer, which controls an electric motor assist to soften or eliminate "kickback" and make the toughest terrain easier to tackle.

The Grizzly powerplant is adapted from the company's popular sport ATV, the RaptorR, and features a single-overhead-cam single, fuel-injected engine with four valves for combustion efficiency. Electronic fuel injection makes cold or hot starts dependable, and the Ultramatic centrifugal clutch and drive belt work for engine braking at all four wheels with 2WD or 4WD selections.

Yamaha is offering its 700 FI Grizzly with and without power steering for 2008. The utility ATVs will tow 1,212 lbs. and can carry nearly 300 lbs. on racks beside the rider.

The 2008 Grizzly sports four-wheel hydraulic disc brakes and rides on Yamaha-designed Dunlop tires.
Towing specs for both models is 1,212 lbs. and payload includes a 99 lb. rating on the front rack and 187 lbs. on the rear.

For more information on the Grizzly and its various special editions and accessories, click on


The rise of the Chinese Motorcycle/ATV business….

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In the middle of February, I spent a busy weekend in Indianapolis at the Motorcycle Dealer Expo. The Dealer Expo is a huge convention held at the Indianapolis convention center. The event fills the whole expo center and even the attached football stadium floor where the Colts play and two of the hotels next door.

Walking out into the RCA Dome’s field was a surreal experience. The field where all American football is played, row after row of Chinese motorcycles and ATV’s were setup for display. ATV’s, especially side by side rhino type were heavily represented on the stadium floor. Surrounding these products was A large staff of Chinese and American salesmen, helping the hoard of dealers looking at all the products This was not 2 or 3 companies, but well over 30 to 40 companies selling products to eager American dealers.

Taking a step back, my wife commented how Middle America these dealers appeared. We are not talking about Big City and Anti-American Californians looking at these vehicles. It was the middle America, walmart shopping, Gun Loving, God Fearing, Flag Waving, America first stereotype that you see in all 50 states. Many a person discussing these vehicles, were proudly sporting a mullet, wearing blue jeans and even wearing vests that proclaimed how great the USA is. All the while, these people were actively shopping which Chinese ATV to bring back home and sell to people just like them.

I am sure I am stereotyping these people. And I should be thought not to make these judgments on just how a person looks. But on the surface to me, you still you can not get away the fact that the world have changed. The action on the field seemed as if this was the great gold rush of 1849 and everyone needed to get into the action. Vendor space after vendor space packed indistinguishable power sports vehicles in generic colors of Black, Red, Yellow and Blue. Seats were wrapped in plastic more related to what covers a child’s toy than a motor vehicle.

As I wondered around the field, the surface quality of these vehicles were amazing. On the surface these ATV’s and Motorcycles look to have all the right stuff. Knobby tires, piggyback shocks, chromed control arms, fancy graphics and even a head lamp or two. Looking closer the quality seems to be just on the surface and the parts just were not the right stuff after all Tire brands were ones that I have never heard of before, cheng shin appears to be a premium brand that is few and far between. Shocks with anodized body’s in lovely colors, paired with colored springs and fittings and sporting names close but not exactly the same as Fox and Ohlins. The fancy graphics on the bodywork, covered poorly made plastic that many times looked even cheaper on the inside than the outside. No plastic polish was going to rise a shine from these parts.

Considering all of this, the Walmart generation just kept coming and coming. The people spent time asking questions, making orders and discussing their hopes and dreams about selling these products. The focus was on how they could turn these Chinese products into big profits Hardly a word was spoken about safety, quality or long term viability of these products. The focus was on how easy it was to ship these items in cardboard crates, how to market the products and how much money could be made. No doubt, this is the American dream to find that great product and provide it at a great price.

In the fore front we find Americana salesmen making promises and claims about the Chinese products to the walmart generation who came to buy. In the background stood the Chinese makers and their support staff, many of whom looked disconnected from the whole event. All the while “exotic” dancer types were nearly undressed were signing autographs and taking pictures with the walmart generation. The plastic sales people and plastic eye candy matched the products being sold. Good looking at first glance, but maybe not as deep as we desire in the long term.

Taking a step back, I wondered how much time was devoted to designing these products. They looked like they had the right stuff. But with 30+ companies in attendance, did every company take time to investigate their products. Did they considerer how safe they were, how well they preformed, how durable they would be? From my removed point of view, it is hard for me to see that. I saw the same ATV sold with knobby tires, slicks, grooved “rounded” tires that looked like mini 330 rear motorcycle tires and even a ATV with 17” motocross wheels and spokes. To many differences on one platform to have been considered carefully in my limited judgment I still can not believe that 17” motocross rims with spokes would stand up to the side loads an ATV puts out.

We are at a crossroads in America While we wave the flag proudly and claim our desire for USA #1, in the background we do something different. We embrace the idol of discount prices and a disposable lifestyle. Quality is not as important that just good enough and throw it away when it brakes. If it looks like what we need right now, then that is all we need.

To be honest I don’t know how much of a leg I have to stand on with this. I work foreign national company, I have never driven a vehicle made by a Big 3 car company. In addition I have never owned an American motorcycle, or an Americana TV. I like saving money by going to CostCo to shop for discount products. I buy many a tool at “Harbor Freight”, knowing full well the quality is not the same as many tools at Sears. But I can not help myself as the tool is only 25% the price and I plan to use it once or twice in my life.

But I guess I feel ok, because I don’t wave the American flag and wrap myself in the glory of God and Country. But I think that might be short sighted and self centered of me. Could I be part of the problem that propels this thinking forward.

Still it is fascinating how the walmart generation is embracing the Chinese motorsports revolution. I wonder what their motive is? Do they believe this is a ground floor opportunity? Or is it something less noble… the chasing of immediate dollars today.

Sometimes I gotta ask: Are you stoned?

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Far be it from me to tell someone how to run their life, but I had to chime in on this one. A 14 year old kid over at ATV Source Magazine's on-line forum was asking whether he should get the Yamaha YZF450 or the Raptor 700. He balked when asked how much experience he had and how heavy/tall he was. Both very legitimate concerns for a young rider looking at these two quads. His reply was simply:

i like to ride powerful sport quads so i like machines with alot of power so it not to big for me i rode a 700r they ride really nice....

ATV docks to the ISS(? ??, ISS? ??)/ April 6, 2008

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ATV docks to the ISS(? ??, ISS? ??)/ April 6, 2008Credit: NASA
ATV-001? ?? 3? 31?? ISS ?? ????? ?? ?? ?????. ATV-001? 29?? 31?? ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????.

?? ???(ESA: European Space Agency)? ? ?? ?? ???? ATV-001? 3?? ????? ISS(International Space Station)? ??????. ?? ? ??(Jules Verne)??? ??? ATV-001[1]? ? 3??? ????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ISS? ???? ??(Zvezda Service Module)[2]? ???????. ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???, ????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????, ? ??? ? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???????. ?? ? ??? 7.5?? ??? ISS? ???? ?? ? 6??? ISS? ???? ??? ???? ? ?[3]???.

ISS? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? 9??? ?? ?? ??, ? ??? ?? ???? ISS ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?????(space shuttle), ?????(Progress), ???(Soyuz) ??????. ???? ISS? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????.

Credit: ESA/D.Ducros
ATV? ??? ???(Apollo capsules), ????? ?????(Progress unmanned freighter)? ??? ????? ?????. ATV? ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ??? ???? ? ? ????.

ATV(Automated Transfer Vehicle)? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???, ??????? ?? 3?? ??? ??[4]? ? ?? ISS? ??? ? ?? ??????? ??? ????. ?????? ATV ??? ??? ???? ? 19? ??($1.9 billion)? ??????.

ATV-002? ??? 2009??? ???? ????. ??? ?? ???? ?????.

1. ?? ? ??(Jules Verne)??? ??? ATV-001
????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ? ??(Jules Verne)? ?? ???????. [return]
2. ???? ??(Zvezda Service Module)
Звезда. ????? ?(star)?? ?????. ????? ??? ???? ??? K(Proton K)? ?? ??? ????(space advertising)? ???(Pizza Hut) ??? ????? ??? ??? ????. [return]
3. ?? ? 6??? ISS? ???? ??? ???? ? ?
? ???? NASA ISS ???? 8? 7???? ???? ??? ??????. [return]
4. ??????? ?? 3?? ??? ??

ATV Completes Initial Maneuvers Near Space Station

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Space Station managers have today given the go-ahead for Jules Verne ATV to proceed with the second of two demonstration days in the lead up to a first ISS docking attempt later in the week. On Monday, Demonstration Day 2 will see ATV approach to within 11 meters of the ISS.

“Having tested very successfully on Saturday the first part of the rendezvous, in particular using the relative GPS between that on Jules Verne and on the Russian Service Module of the ISS, we now have the go-ahead to the test the second part of the rendezvous which uses the optical sensors.” said John Ellwood, ESA’s ATV Project Manager.”This will be very interesting, but we have a lot of confidence based on the great performance of Jules Verne during the first demonstration day.”

The first demonstration day proves Jules Verne ATV can perform relative navigation with the ISS using relative GPS to successfully and safely maneuver the spacecraft to a point located 3.5 km behind the ISS and at the same orbital altitude.

Jules Verne ATV performed flawlessly during the maneuvers, moving to within visible distance of the Space Station. Saturday’s demonstration also confirmed Jules Verne is able to establish a continuous two-way data link with the ISS.

Demonstration Day 1 ended with an Escape command sent from the ATV Control Centre in Toulouse, France, successfully sending Jules Verne ATV away from the Space Station.

During Demonstration Day 2, scheduled to start at 14:26 CEST (12:26 UT) on Monday 31 March, Jules Verne ATV will approach to a point just 11 m away from the docking port on the Russian Service Module Zvezda. ATV will also navigate for the first time using a laser-based optical system.

Data collected during Demonstration Day 2 will be made available to ISS managers for their go-ahead to proceed with a first docking attempt on Thursday. Jules Verne ATV is scheduled to dock with ISS at 16:41 CEST (14:41 UT) on 3 April.

Alvorlig skadet i ATV-ulykke

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Politiet fikk melding om ulykken kl. 04.13.

Situajonen for en 17-?ring fra Sn?sa er alvorlig, men stabil, mens situasjonen for en 17-?ring fra Steinkjer er alvorlig og uavklart etter at en firehjuling tidlig s?ndag morgen kj?rte ut i en gr?ft og inn i et tre ?st for Sn?savatnet.

Operasjonsleder Jan Birger Jakobsen ved Operasjonssentralen i Nord-Tr?ndelag opplyser at de fortsatt venter p? melding fra St. Olavs Hospital om tilstanden for gutten fra Steinkjer. Han ble fraktet med ambulansehelikopter til St. Olavs Hospital. Sn?sningen ble fraktet til med ambulanse til Sykehuset Namsos.

Konstatert l?rbeinsbrudd for begge

Operasjonsleder opplyser at s? langt vet man at begge guttene er p?f?rt l?rbeinsbrudd etter at firehjulingen kj?rte ut i gr?fta og inn i et tre:

- Vi vet enn? ikke hvem av guttene som kj?rte, sier operasjonsleder og legger til at ulykken vil bli etterforsket for blant annet ? finne ut om det dreier seg om promillekj?ring.

- Har 17-?ringer lov til ? kj?re firehjulinger p? fylkesveier?

- Reglene for firehjulinger er innviklede. det vi vet s? langt er at firehjulingen i ulykken er registrert som traktor. Og da er det snakk om 16-?rs grense, men dette er innviklet, sier Operasjonsleder Jakobsen.

ATV Off Road Rage!

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ATV was first used for work in farms but today, the popularity of riding ATV for recreation has become increasingly popular. With the consistently rising number of people who ride ATVs for fun, the percentage of injuries related to ATV has also risen! That?s the reason why ATV riders should pay special attention to ATV safety rules and guidelines. ATV safety is especially important when it comes to kids. It?s easy for adults to get injured while riding ATV?what more a child with less physical dexterity and control?

So, the first thing a parent should do is to consider all ATV safety rules, concerns and equipment before allowing their children to ride ATV. The basic ATV safety rule is to help children understand that their ATV is not a toy. They are not (never) allowed to operate the ATV without training and supervision. This is an important ATV safety rule. Once children realize the important of this ATV safety rule, they will be more willing to follow it.

If possible, send your children for ATV safety training and riding classes before allowing them to ride ATV. There are many different courses that you can send your children to to help them fully understand ATV safety.

Furthermore, your role as a parent is to ensure that your children are not allowed to ride on adult-sized ATVs. This ATV safety rule is extremely, extremely important! Children are not capable of and not equipped to operate adult-sized ATVs. If you?re to get your children their own ATV, to ensure their safety, you should only select an ATV of an appropriate size.

Never let your kids ride their ATV without appropriate safety riding gear and apparel. This ATV safety rule is important even for adult ATV riders. Example of safety riding gear includes Helmet, goggles, gloves, boots, love-sleeve shirt and long pants. Proper safety gear will reduce chances of injuries in case the rider loses control of the ATV that they are riding on and falls off. Of course, we do not wish for this to happen and with proper training and practice, it probably won?t?but we just want to be absolutely sure about this ATV safety rule here.

Another important ATV safety rule we want to highlight here is this?inspect your ATV properly before riding it! To ensure that your ATV is in good condition, don?t compromise on maintenance of the vehicle. A well-oiled and well-maintained ATV is more reliable than one that is not.

So, we hope that your ATV riding is not only always fun, but always safe as well. So, educate yourself and your kids about ATV safety today!

Marsha Maung is an ATV enthusiast enthusiastically promoting ATV riding as a sport and family activity! She runs and is one of the staff for one of the hottest and fastest-growing ATV sites right now… Upload and share pictures, articles, views, advice, reviews, ideas, tips and tricks to ATV riding with other ATV enthusiasts

Bonn: “Das ATV l?uft wie ein Uhrwerk” - Intervie

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Bonn/K?ln - Am 3. April 2008 hat das erste Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) "Jules Verne" an die Internationale Raumstation ISS angekoppelt. Volker Schmid, Raumfahrtingenieur und Mitarbeiter der DLR Raumfahrtagentur ist Projektleiter für ATV. Er betreut die technische Entwicklung des Raumtransporters und koordiniert die nationalen Interessen innerhalb des Projektes. Im Interview beschreibt er, welches Potential in ATV steckt und wie seine Zukunft aussehen k?nnte.

Der Raumtransporter "Jules Verne" versorgt die ISS mit 5,5 Tonnen Gütern, darunter Nahrung, Kleidung, Ersatzteile und Treibstoff. Er bleibt sechs Monate an der ISS angedockt und hebt mit seinen Triebwerken von Zeit zu Zeit die ISS in eine h?here Umlaufbahn. Am Ende der Mission, im August 2008, wird "Jules Verne" 6,5 Tonnen Abfall von der ISS aufnehmen und beim kontrollierten Rückflug in die Erdatmosph?re samt Ladung über dem Südpazifik verglühen. Die Europ?ische Raumfahrtorganisation ESA plant bis 2013 vier weitere ATVs ins All zu schicken.

Frage: Seit dem Beschluss der ESA 1995 einen Raumtransporter zu bauen und dem heute erfolgten Docking an die ISS sind 13 Jahre vergangen. Sie selbst sind seit 2001 Projektleiter von ATV. Wie fühlen Sie sich nach dem erfolgreichen Docking?
Volker Schmid: So, wie wenn man nach einem Marathonlauf die Ziellinie überquert, man fühlt sich einfach gut. Genau so geht es mir auch. Ich war ehrlich gesagt nicht besonders aufgeregt. Seit dem Start am 9. M?rz 2008 lief das Ariane-ATV-System wie ein Uhrwerk, das ist wirklich beeindruckend. Es macht mich einfach stolz, dass wir das in Europa geschafft haben und dass alles so reibungslos ablief.

Frage: ATV ist ein v?llig autonomes Raumfahrzeug, was haben die Astronauten an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation ISS w?hrend des Dockings gemacht?
Volker Schmid: über ein Kontrollpult und Laptops im russischen Swesda Modul, an dem ATV gekoppelt wurde, konnte die Crew das Docking verfolgen. Am Raumtransporter befindet sich das so genannte "Target Pattern", ein beleuchtetes Fadenkreuz, das durch die ATV-Automatik genau zur Deckung mit dem russischen Modul gebracht werden muss. Bis einen Meter vor dem Docking, dem so genannten "Crew Hands Off Point", k?nnen die Kontrollzentren oder die Crew jederzeit eingreifen, um beispielsweise eine Kollision zu vermeiden. Die Befehle hierfür sind "Retreat", das hei?t, der Raumfahrzeug wird auf Knopfdruck bis zum n?chsten Haltepunkt zurückgesetzt, "Resume" bedeutet, die Mission wird wieder aufgenommen. Der Befehl "Escape" führt den Raumtransporter auf 39 Kilometer hinter die ISS zurück. "Abort" nenne ich den "Notaus-Knopf", ihn verwendet man zum Beispiel bei Computerausf?llen. Die Crew hat eine Tabelle, auf der alle F?lle aufgelistet sind und wei?, wann es notwendig ist, die "Abort-Taste" zu drücken. Dann wird das ATV automatisch für einen gewissen Zeitraum auf einen Sicherheitsabstand 39 Kilometer hinter und fünf Kilometer unterhalb der ISS zurückkehren. Dort wird es getestet und anschlie?end ein neuer Anflug durchgeführt.

Frage: Jules Verne ist von einer Isolationsfolie, den so genannten "Thermal Blankets", umgeben. Die Aufnahmen der NASA zeigen, dass es zu Abl?sungen der Folien gekommen ist. Wie kam es zu diesem Zwischenfall?
Volker Schmid: Es ist m?glich, dass die Folien durch das Absprengen der Nutzlastverkleidung nach dem Raketen-Start berührt und ein Teil der Folie besch?digt wurde. Es werden bereits Analysen durchgeführt. In den n?chsten Wochen wird man konkrete Aussagen darüber machen k?nnen, wie es zu dieser Abl?sung kam. Für die Mission selbst ist dies jedoch unkritisch, es führt lediglich zu einem h?heren Heiz- oder Kühlungsprozess, der mit einem geringfügig h?heren Strombedarf von ATV verbunden ist. Nach dem Docking liefert die ISS den Strombedarf für das Raumfahrzeug, der dadurch etwas h?her ausf?llt. Beim Betreten von ATV wird sich zeigen, ob sich im Innern der Nutzlast die Temperaturen ver?ndern. Das Deutsche Raumfahrt-Kontrollzentrum des DLR steuert die gesamte Kommunikation

Frage: Das ATV-Kontrollzentrum der ESA in Toulouse überwacht die Mission. Das Deutsche Raumfahrt-Kontrollzentrum des DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen ist neben dem NASA-Kontrollzentrum in Houston und der Russischen Raumfahrtbeh?rde ROSKOSMOS ebenfalls am so genannten "Interconnection Ground Subnetwork" beteiligt. Welche Aufgaben übernimmt das deutsche Raumfahrtkontrollzentrum genau?
Volker Schmid: Das Raumfahrt-Kontrollzentrum in Oberpfaffenhofen ist praktisch der Vermittlungsknoten für die einzelnen Kommunikationskan?le. Es ist für die gesamte Kommunikation zwischen den unterschiedlichen, weltweit verteilten Kontrollzentren von ATV verantwortlich. Darüber hinaus ist das DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen ja auch für die Steuerung des Columbus Raumlabors t?tig und verfügt deshalb über gro?e Erfahrungen auf diesem Gebiet.

Frage: Warum hat man sich zum Bau eines nicht wieder verwendbaren Raumfahrzeugs entschlossen?
Volker Schmid: Theoretisch h?tte man ATV wieder verwendbar machen k?nnen. Es gibt Studien seitens der ESA, die solche L?sungen bis zu einer gewissen Detailtiefe untersucht haben. ATV war aber von Anfang an als nicht wieder verwendbares Raumfahrzeug ausgelegt. Nach Beendigung der Mission wird es mit Abfall beladen, kontrolliert in die Erdatmosph?re zurückgeführt und über dem Südpazifik verglühen. Ein wieder verwendbarer Raumtransporter müsste über ein Thermalschutzsystem verfügen und von der Form her ?hnlich wie eine Apollokapsel angepasst werden. Dadurch verliert die Nutzlast an Volumen. Ein Vorteil w?re es natürlich, Proben oder Experimente zur Erde zurückbringen zu k?nnen. Für kleinere Transporte kann das aber auch mit einer Sojus-Kapsel erreicht werden.

Frage: Bis 2013 sind mindest vier weitere ATV-Flüge vorgesehen. Wie sehen die Pl?ne für die technische Weiterentwicklung der ATVs aus?
Volker Schmid: Technisch machbar ist grunds?tzlich sehr, sehr viel. Es ist nicht auszuschlie?en, dass ein wieder verwertbares ATV kommen wird, aber dies ist eine politische Entscheidung.

Sony/ATV seeks songs, may expand into touring

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LONDON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Music publisher Sony/ATV is well placed to purchase catalogues of songs that come to the market and would consider expanding into artist management and touring, its chief executive said>

Sony/ATV, a joint venture between Sony Corp (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) and pop star Michael Jackson, expects more music catalogues to be put up for sale this year as people look to cash in profits in a slowing economy, said CEO Martin Bandier in a telephone interview.

“To the extent that large acquisitions become available, Sony/ATV is in a particularly good place,” he said. “It’s hard to overpay for a great Picasso…if you’re buying quality music that will last for generations. Great songs are a rarity.”

Sony/ATV is a traditional music publisher which makes money every time a piece of music is used>

The company owns rights to classic songs by the Beatles and newer songs by artists like Akon and Fergie.

Bandier, who oversaw the growth of EMI Music Publishing from No. 4 to the largest before he left in 2007, said co-owner Sony recognized the value of music publishing and would likely fund an acquisition with “open arms” if the deal was right.

He said he had shirked from paying over the odds for the Chrysalis (CHS.L: Quote, Profile, Research) catalogue, which was up for sale this month. Chrysalis said this week it had turned down a bid from EMI for 130 million pounds ($256 million).

“I didn’t understand how that was going to work under any circumstances,” Bandier said. He said he was not surprised his former employer EMI and its new private equity owner, Terra Firma, did not agree to raise their price. Continued…